sábado, 23 de outubro de 2021

Teddy Park Jerusalém


Teddy Park was established by the the Jerusalem Foundation at the foot of the Old City walls, across the street from Jaffa Gate. In the center of the park, which stretches over seven hectares, is Israel’s only sound and light fountain. Watch beautiful synchronized water, sound and light shows which take place four times daily with 256 nozzles, 1,800 light fixtures and a recording of original music performed by the New Jerusalem Philharmonic.

The park also has a visitors’ center which tells the story of the development of modern-day Jerusalem during Teddy Kollek’s time as mayor in the city. Corner stones describing milestones of the mayor’s life are erected along the pathways. There is also a wishing well made of Jerusalem stone, a sun dial, statues, a restored historic building and an aqueduct.

The park is accessible to people with disabilities, sight impairment and for strollers.

sites consulted  https://www.facebook.com/teddyparkjerusalem/?ref=page_internal


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