sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011

Our History in the Golan

Golan not only is it Israel’s most strategic piece of Land and crucial for its long term security but it is literally a treasure still not yet discovered by the world.

It is the story of Jews turning waste Land into a flourishing productive environment. It is located only 60 miles east of beautiful Haifa.

We first learn about our ancient history in the Golan, in the Torah.

“Then Moses set aside three cities on this side of the Jordan toward the rising of the sun….Golan in Bashan for the Manassites.” D’varim 4:41, 43

Yes, in ancient times the Golan located in the former Land of Bashan was inhabited by Jewish settlers from the tribe of Manasseh and is mentioned 3 more times in the Tanach.

In closer times we can also find a Jewish presence here.

“At the end of the Hasmonean period, King Alexander Yanai conquered the Golan and settled it with Jews. Jewish settlement in the central Golan existed continuously since then for a period of 700 hundred years. The district capital was Gamla, which fought with supreme heroism in the Great Revolt, losing Ten thousand of its fighting sons in battle in defense of the Golan.”

King Alexander Yanai was a grand nephew of Judah Maccabi.

The long Jewish history in the Golan has given us the remnants of 25 synagogues from Talmudic times which have been discovered. In the late 1800’s Zionists began to move in. In 1891 Baron Rothschild purchased 18,000 acres in the eastern Golan. This was not the first Jewish Land purchased here in the 1800’s. Below is a photo from golan.org.il of the remains of an ancient synagogue.

Modern Day Golan

Israel captured the Golan in June 1967 in a defensive war in which Syria had intended to use this Land as a spring-board for an attack. On December 14, 1981, 7 days before Chanukah, the Knesset voted to extend Israeli rule over the Golan. They annexed this Land. “Baruch HaShem” The Land finally returned to the Jews.

Freshness and Life

Jewish settlers began to settle on the Land as the morning dew settles on the grass, bringing a renewed freshness and life.

Today, a Land that appeared to be almost useless and used to attack Jews has now been turned into a rich Jewish region of agriculture and tourism where 2,000,000 people visit every year.

“The Land of Water and Wine.” Today one third of Israel’s drinking water comes from this place. Of coarse the flourishing wine industry has just been mentioned. The map displays the precious water systems which flow from the Golan.

Why do so many tourists come here every year? Well, the mountain views are wonderful and of coarse there is Mount Hermon in the far north of the Golan. Lovers of nature flock here in the spring and summer and people ski here in the winter on Mount Hermon. It is capped with snow several months a year.

It surely has been written by King David:

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity….It is like the dew of Hermon descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there HaShem commanded the blessing, life forevermore.” Tehillim 133:1, 3

Below are some enjoying Mount Herman!

quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

Gilad Shalit de regresso a Israel sob um forte dispositivo de segurança

Gilad Shalit free

At the press conference on Thursday, Noam Shalit said his son's state was improving. "Gilad is feeling better and is under medical surveillance. He went out for a short walk, rode on his bicycle and played table tennis at home. He has met up with friends – friends from the village (Mitzpe Hila), school and childhood friends,"

domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

Ma'ale Adumim

Image result for maale adumim

Davidmosberg - Own work

Ma'ale Adumim municipality

צילום:ד"ר אבישי טייכר

"This is the inheritance of the tribe of B'nai Y'hudah, by their families....The northern border began at the bay of the Sea at the end of the Yarden; then the border went up to Beit Hoglah and passed north of Beit Aravah; next the border went up to the stone of Bohan the son of Re'uven; then the border went up to D'vir from the Akhor Valley, the northward facing Gilgal that is across from Ma'ale Adumim, which is on the south side of the valley..."Joshua.15:1,5-8

"When the Sun rises, its Glory first passes over Ma’ale Adumim then to Holy Jerusalem. It has a distinction and location that no other city in Israel has. It is a Jewel among the cities of G-d. When the sun sets the Shalom of G-d rests over the city.

This is the reward for being the city, G-d has chosen, to guard the Eastern Side of Yerushalayim HaKodesh.

From this city one has the view of the Mount of Olives and mount Scopus. Turn around and you can see beyond the Jordan River. Yes wherever you view from the edge of the city you have the Judean and Binyamin Hills. You have not yet reached paradise but those who live there are not far away.

The city is incredible beautiful and peaceful. The stones that make up the buildings and line the streets are pleasant to the eye as well as the trees and other beautiful vegetation of the Holy Land.

Ma’ale Adumim has one of Israel’s largest industrial zones with over 100 factories which is located outside the residential area. However if you want to work or go to Holy Jerusalem for what ever reason you are less then ten minutes away. Imagine living on an isolated hill top oasis and then in a moment’s time you can be at the Kotel. What a life!

There is a highway that travels west from Ma’ale Adumim to Holy Jerusalem that took over three years to complete. It passes through a 550-meter long tunnel built through Mount Scopus under Hebrew university campus.

Ma’ale Adumim is a safe city and this makes it good for children."

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

Rosh Hanikra - The Ladder of Tire.

Imagen of  https://www.rosh-hanikra.com/home-en/

The fascinating tourist attraction of Rosh Hanikra is located at the most north-western corner of Israel, the only point in the country where the sea meets the mountains. Visiting the site is suitable for families of all ages and is recommended all year round!

Rosh Hanikra is in the northwestern corner of Israel, on the border of Israel and Lebanon. The white chalk cliffs offer a spectacular panoramic view of Haifa Bay, the hills of the Galilee and the Mediterranean.

The book of Joshua (13:6) mentions "Misraphot Mayim" south of Rosh Hanikra, as the border of the Israelite tribes during the 14 -13 centuries BCE. Jewish sages referred to the cliff as "The Ladder of Tire." The Muslim conquerors renamed the area A-Nawakir (the grottoes). The present name, Rosh Hanikra, is a hebraicized version of the Arabic Ras-A-Nakura.

In ancient times, Rosh Hanikra was along the trade route between the northern civilizations in Lebanon and Syria and the southern ones in Palestine, Egypt and North Africa. The place was then known as "the Ladders of Tyre." It has been the gateway in and out of Palestine since ancient times. In 333 Alexander the Great entered the Land of Israel through Rosh Hanikra, and is believed to have led his Greek army through a tunnel his forces dug in these cliffs.

The British army invaded Lebanon from this direction during the two world wars as did Israeli forces in the late 70's and early 80s. During World War II, the British dug a tunnel for the railway running between Haifa and Beirut to facilitate the movement of supplies from Egypt to the north.

When the British withdrew in 1948, Israeli forces took over Rosh Hanikra and the Palmach blew up the railway bridges in the grottoes to prevent the Lebanese army from invading from that direction when the War of Independence began. During the Lebanon War, you could watch lines of Israeli tanks along the border preparing to cross and jeeps with UN peacekeepers observing the movements.

The grottoes of Rosh Hanikra were formed by the sea chipping awaw portions of the soft chalk rock over thousands of years. In 1968, a tunnel was dug from the shore to the natural grottoes.

The tunnel was constructed slightly above the sea surface. It is 400 meters long and took two years to complete. A cable car leads to the shoreline where visitors can explore the grottoes. It is possible, though not advised, to swim in the grottoes, which are inhabited by bats, loggerhead sea turtles, sea birds and other wildlife. The place is a part of the Achziv Natural Reserve.


segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

Prayer for Israel

Let us pray for peace in Israel and there is no armed conflict and many lives can be saved:

"The Lord bless you from Zion, and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life: And you will see the children of your children and peace upon Israel" (Amen)
Psalm 128.5-6

Thank you for praying!

Marion Vaz

domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011


In 1922 Ra'anana was founded by a small group of settlers from New York City and today it is one of Israel's most thriving and prosperous Cities. At the very least it maintains a middle class North American life style. It is located between Tel Aviv and Netanya and has about 80,000 residents. About 35% are English and has become a prime location for settling English speaking Olim.

G-d has reached down to touch this city bestowing His Blessings on it.
If you could speak to Ra'anana what would you say to her? You might say, "I.Love you more then all the cities of Israel. You are more precious than Rubies"
The city has been built with wisdom. Besides the abundance of Olim from English speaking Nations you will find many from France, South America and Russia.

These people enjoy a quality of life not bettered anywhere in the world. From education to culture and sports this is 10 on a scale of 10. Enjoy the beautiful parks and gardens in this well planned out city which has been awarded the international standard ISO 9002. Ra'anana has over 100 public parks, playgrounds and gardens. Also very good cycle paths and even a small children's zoo.

Our G-d spoke to us through the prophet Yirmeyahu (Jerimiah) and said,...

"I Love you with an everlasting Love; this is why in My grace I draw you to Me. Once again, I will build you; you will be rebuilt, Virgin of Yisrael...." Yir.31:2,3
This is the place your children will love. They will thank you for bringing them here because of all the activities they can enjoy.

From the very small to the grown teenager there will be no shortage of activities for them to do. Ra'anana is the home of many sports teams. Just name it and they have it. Basketball, volleyball, soccer , baseball, judo, cricket, bowling and more. North Americans will love the baseball.

As mentioned above there are other activities that the young people of Ra'anana enjoy.

The Ra'anana municipality has poured 40% of its budget into education and the fruit of this effort has come forth. Today they have an award winning educational system partly because of the many innovative educational programs. There are secular and religious. There are also English speaking classes for those who are new comers who do not yet know the local language.Below are two photos of the Ra'anana Aviv High School.

After high school there is the Ra'anana College providing a variety of good courses. Recently the Open University moved its head quarters to Ra'anana giving its citizens close access to first rate learning. At Open university a person one can go all the way for a Bachelor's degree.

The term Open means that a person does not need to have some prior academic achievement in order to earn entry into the university. It is open to all who want to learn.

A Jewish witness to the Land of Israel thought to himself. "Israel Is literally the worlds best kept secret. I have come to realize what many Jews around the world have failed to realize, and that is, what a great Land that our God has given us. His great arm is at work bestowing on His people prosperity.

God is fulfilling His Covenant and promise to Avraham that his descendants would inherit this Land forever."

Fonte: http://www.torahalive.com/raanana.htm

segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2011

Kiryat Gat

Kiryat Gat is one fine Israeli city, however it is one that few know about and fewer have ever seen. Still, despite its some what veiled presence in the Holy Land it is a young plant beginning to give bloom to its flowers and also project its presence around the world.

Located part way between Tel Aviv and Beer Sheva, this blossoming all Jewish city of close to 50,000 good souls, is nothing short of an excellent place to live and raise a family.

Come and stroll in one of the Kiryat Gat parks. Enjoy yourself in sunny Israel.

In ancient days this area David slew the giant by the name of Goliath of Gath. (Heb. is Gat). Thus the name Kiryat Gat. Today it is home to the Jewish people who inherited this land according to the promises G-d made to Abraham.

As said previously Kiryat Gat area was home to the Giant named Goliath in ancient days. However now that he and his ancient people the Philistines who troubled the children of Abraham are gone, another Giant has come to settle here.

That is Computer Giant Intel founded by Andrew Grove the Jew and inventor of the modern day Pentium silicon chip that operates computers around the world. This Giant of a man was 1997's Time Magazines man of the year. He has changed the world forever.

In 1999 Intel opened its 1.6 Billion dollar plant manufacturing Micro Processors and employed about 2,000 people. Now in 2008 Intel is completing another manufacturing plant in the Kiryat Gat south industrial zone. The cost of this plant is an astounding 3.6 Billion dollars. It will employ thousands of more workers, therefore the profound effect that the little city of Kiryat Gat will have on the world will not be able to be measured. See the photo below of this mammoth facility spanning several buildings.

Kiryat Gat is in an excellent location. Not only is it less the 70 kilometers to Jerusalem is is less then 50 kilometers to the Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva.

So what do you say? Have one last look at this special city and consider moving the Ark for your soul to a resting place set aside for the children of Abraham.


segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Ramat Gan

Population: 150,000
Area: 13,700 dunams or 3,500 acres
Rainfall: 500mm per year (average)
Height: 80 meters above sea level (average)
Location: Central Coastal Plain

Tel Aviv and Givatayim to the West
Bnei Brak to the East
The Yarkon River to the North

Ramat-Gan began as an agricultural settlement in 1921 planting wheat, barley and watermelons. As years passed, many people were attracted to this centrally located and very green area.

Over the years, a major change took place and Ramat-Gan expanded its borders and developed into a city of trade, industry and commerce.

The city leaders put their hearts and souls into building a city that their citizens could live in with great pride. Major emphasis was put on education and more and more schools and colleges were build or expanded.

New businesses and clean industries were started and waves of people just found Ramat- Gan to be the right place to live and work.

Today, Ramat-Gan boasts of having the largest "Diamond Exchange" in the world and leads the country in the fields of Education, Culture and Social Awareness.

As you continue to read about the institutions, the parks, the schools and, of course, the people of Ramat-Gan you will be able to appreciate how a humble settlement grew into such a dynamic and wonderfully attractive city

Fonte: http://www.ramat-gan.info/RamatGan/sister-cities/About+Ramat-Gan/

sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011

Beit Shemesh

It is written in the Tanach, "The people of Beit Shemesh were harvesting their wheat in the valley when they looked up and saw the Ark (of the Covenant). They were happy to see it. The cart entered the field of Y’hoshua of Beit Shemesh and stood there by a big rock."

"They cut up the wood of the cart and offered up the cows as a burnt offering to HaShem. Then the Levi’im removed the Ark of HaShem and the box that was with it, which contained the gold objects, and put them on the big rock. That same day the men of Beit Shemesh offered burnt offerings and sacrifices to HaShem". Sh’mu’el 6.13-15

Yes it happened once that the Holy Ark of the Covenant was placed on the road to Beit Shemesh. Now it is time for us took take the new road to Beit Shemesh.

Modern day Beit Shemesh is built near the ruins of ancient Beit Shemesh and is poof that our Beloved G-d is keeping His promise to restore our nation as it once was. In fact G-d says in the prophets that He will restore double to His people.

Beit Shemesh is situated on some of the most beautiful land in Israel. Looking out over the green hills is such a pleasant site to the eyes.

According to recent statistics Beit Shemesh is 100 percent Jewish. This city has a population of about 72,000 good Jewish souls. It is a city of districts much of which is made up of immigrant Jews. There are plenty of shopping amenities. Visit the "BIG" shopping plaza or some other one.

Beit Shemesh means literally "House of the Sun" So it may be no coincidence that possibly the worlds leader in Solar technology is found here. Not since the visit of the Ark of the Covenant has such a new light shone from Beit Shemesh. This is the company called Solel Solar Systems.

Solel is the world leader in the development and manufacture of solar thermal collectors for power, heating, cooling and steam generation.

Solar thermal power provides the most comprehensive technology of all renewable energies. Solel is changing the world!

There is regular bus service to Holy Jerusalem and Tel Aviv as well as Train service. Trains travel from Jerusalem to Beit Shemesh and to Ramla, Lod, Bnei Brak, Petach Tikva, Rosh Ha’ayin and Kfar Saba. Yes you can also go to Tel-Aviv by train. With a connection you could even go to Be’er Sheva. You may not need a car to go to work.

People here enjoy a modern western lifestyle but without the big city crime. We may not be worthy of such a place however G-d made a Covenant with Avraham avinu, which HE has kept. G-d gives his children the best. It is a great place for children. Beit Shemesh has parks and play grounds for the precious little ones.

Bet Shemesh has a local English language newspaper to keep you informed on what is happening in the local Bet Shemesh area. This city has all the amenities you are looking for from banks, health clinics, a shopping mall, drug stores and if you want to go out for a Kosher Pizza you can do that. New Olim are the pulse of this community. Below is Ramat Beit Shemesh.

There is no lack green space or places of recreation. With numerous religious schools you can pick what is best for your children. There is Ashkenazi synagogues, Sefardic, ultra orthodox and Modern orthodox among others. The schools below are in Ramot Beit Shemesh.

Take the Holy road high up to Beit Shemesh.

It was good enough for the Ark of the Covenant it may also be good enough for you.

Fonte: http://www.torahalive.com/BeitShemesh.htm

domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2011

Ashkelon - City

“Also Y'hudah took Gaza with its territory, Ashkelon with its territory and Ekron with its territory. So HaShem was with Y'hudah.” Shof’tim.(Judges)1:18

One recent visitor to Ashkelon described it as a Florida Paradise without the crime and the hurricanes. Indeed this is a correct description. Ashkelon is with beautiful homes, apartments and condos lining beautiful paved streets with palm trees and other natural beauties, a person will be immediately enticed to want to move here. Definitely, Ashkelon is more beautiful then Florida!

And 100% Jewish!

Ashkelon is a Jewish city with a population over 120,000 people and contains all the important amenities needed for such a city. With the Florida weather, sunshine, and modern shopping malls, the people who live here enjoy a high quality of life.

Beaches Beautiful

With 10 kilometers of beaches that are not over crowded, one has a quick getaway in a moment’s time to peace and serenity. Because of the beach, families always have somewhere to go together that is safe and relaxing.

And yes there are condos over looking the Mediterranean Sea.

For those traveling outside the city, you will be less then one hours drive to Tel-Aviv, Holy Jerusalem and Beersheba.


Such as the Brazilai Medical Center. This 5-story Hospital is one of Israel’s top healthcare institutions serving over 400,000 people in the surrounding Lakhish region. It contains 1,500 staff including 240 doctors and 500 nurses.


Ashkelon university has an enrollment of about 8,000 students. It contains a wide variety of educational programs and an ulpan for learning Hebrew.

Among some of the benefits the government provides are, subsidized art and music education for pre-schoolers. Subsidized swimming and tennis lessons for kids in grade 4 and 5. There is also Marine education for the junior high school students and University courses for outstanding students. There are additional lessons and support for weaker students. It is a great place to educate your children.


From Ashkelon you can travel on a Modern train service to other parts of the country.

Ashkelon is home to several different cultural and musical festivals. The city has also a Conservatory, a Municipal Youth Orchestra and live theater.
They also have a progressive marina providing a southern gateway to the Mediterranean. It is the Ashkelon Mariana.


The city also has been a preferred status by the Israeli government in the area or tourism, and declared a national tourist site. This means investors can receive grants up to 24% of their investment and other tax exemptions.

There are government plans up coming in the next few years to open a new phase in tourism development, which would include, besides new hotels and other things, there will be two world-class international golf courses. There will be nothing like it in the Middle East. But tourism is not the only preferred status for Ashkelon. There is also a special status for industrial development and developers can qualify for loans grants and tax incentives. In other words Ashkelon is thriving and is a good place to work and to invest.

For tourist with entertainment and shopping for the visitors. The Ashkeluna Water Park provides entertainment for locals and visitors alike. It contains a picnic area and a place to buy food. Besides the water park on the beach one can find an amphitheater, museums tennis and more.

If you like Museums then there is the Archaeological Park of Ashkelon. It is also a place to picnic and see ancient wonders. Did you know that Ashkelon is mentioned by name and found written in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics on pottery shards? Less ancient then that we can find it written of the mighty man Samson. It says in the Tanach: “Then the Spirit of HaShem came upon him mightily and he went down to Ashkelon….”

Industries and Technologies

There are 3 industrial parks in Ashkelon including one being developed for high tech industries, and another one is among the most modern in the country. Among the local industries are 40 mid size factories and about 1,000 workshops and small industries.

Ashkelon in undeniable a good place to live, work and relax. A good place for your family and a home in the Holy land that G-d has set aside for you. Visit one of their beautiful parks.

domingo, 16 de janeiro de 2011

Tekoa - The town of Amos

   Imagem relacionada

During the reign of King Uziá from Judea and King II Yeroboam the other part of Israel (about 2600 years), the Prophet Amos lived. He was descended from the tribe of Asher, and from the city of Tekoa. Amos was a disciple of the Prophet Hosea, His court included the prophet Amos, the father of Isaiah, and Isaiah was itself the successor of Amos.

In his youth he was educated along with the other prophets, he worked as a shepherd tending his flocks in the valley of Asher. But later he was called by God to spread his prophecies, and all, obviously, became a reality.

It was Amos who predicted that there would be a great earthquake in Jerusalem that would spread throughout the country. Two years later, when Uziá entered the Holy Temple Shrine and dared to offer incense before Gd in the place of High Priest Azaria, an earthquake shook the temple and the king did flee in terror. (At that time the king also was stricken with leprosy and had to be isolated).
Amos also prophesied about famine in the country, so that neither the cattle and sheep were grazing. That he also predicted two years in advance.

He constantly admonished the people and warned them not to abandon the laws of the Torah. Amos predicted the Divine Judgement on people around the borders of Eretz Israel, the Syrians in the east, west the Philistines, the Phoenicians to the north and Edom, Ammon and Moab to the south, which by their barbaric practices and by inflicting suffering on Jewish people, all would be damned.

Amos did not hesitate to criticize their own people in the most emphatic terms. He predicted the war, defeat, destruction and great suffering to its people because of their failure to lead a true life of Torah.

However, his last prophecies described the splendid and glorious days of Moshiach. See, the day will certainly come, says Gd.
I will return the captivity of my people Israel.
And they will build the destroyed cities and inhabit them.
And they shall plant vineyards and drink wine there.
Also plant gardens and eat their fruit.
And I will plant in the ground, and they will not be uprooted
From the land that I gave to them.
Thus saith thy God. Amos 9

I invite you to become enchanted with the modern Tekoa

Tekoa is unique and intriguing among the towns of the Gush Etzion Block. It is located on the east side of the Gush block.

It is about 65 percent religious and 35 percent secular but everyone is like a family. Here you will find Israelis, Americans, some from Russia, France, Britain, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, India, Burma, Mexico and who knows what else. To put it in their own words, “We are old and young, farmers, urban professionals, artists, craftspeople, doctors, lawyers and nurses. And we will be more once you join. English, Hebrew, French, Spanish, Russian, Yiddish.”

In Tekoa they love their country life. About 1,250 people live here and it is growing. They have schools, a grocery store, a post office, a winery, a library, a theatre, a mushroom farm, an organic farm and 5 synagogues. Here is also a goat and dairy farm and if you like hiking the hills this is your place.

They call it a paradise for raising a family. Yes here you can take your kids on a pony ride at Tekoa stables. They will love it. Or take riding lessons for Kids and Adults. Some adults come here to retire. In Eastern Gush Etzion there are two ultra Orthodox schools that also serve the towns of Ma’ale Amos, Metzad and Nokdim. In Tekoa you can find an integrated school with secular and religious. Come and see the land G-d has blessed.

From Tekoa they have a great view of Herodian.


“The words of Amos (the prophet) who was among the herdsmen of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uziyah King of Y’hudah….”Amos 1:1

New Site of Imagen https://www.instagram.com/eretzisrael.com.br/

terça-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2011

Politically Incorrect

In the rush to get involved in political issues in the Middle East, Brazil's president makes alliances with the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Photos with smiles and handshakes appear in major newspapers around the world and in Haaretz, provoking different opinions.

Last week we again see the shows in Brazil, not only by heavy artillery in the German Complex in Rio de Janeiro, but also by the return of Luis Inacio da Silva, speaking on behalf of the entire nation (Brazil), recognizing the West Bank as a free and independent Palestinian state based on borders before the Six Day War in 1967.

To this decision the President stated that he was helping to negotiate peace in the Middle East and therefore met the call by Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian National Authority. Argentina and Uruguay came to this famous list, which was strongly disapproved by the government of Israel, even as the U.S. said that recognition of a Palestinian state was premature.

If the intention was to promote peace and end the Arab-Israeli conflict, the plan backfired, because the crisis will only grow, support only served to inflame the hearts of Palestinians against the Israeli authorities.

To make matters worse the Palestinians want East Jerusalem for their future capital. But Jerusalem is our eternal and undivided capital. And we will not give it up her!

And let me repeat: Dividing Jerusalem is not just split a piece of land, is giving up some of Israel's own history and heroes who gave their lives in the city! Certainly we will hear: Is no longer have the right to pray at the Western Wall! We will never allow this to happen! And to understand better, I will say in a language and Rio: "It will not roll!"

The problem is getting worse and from such statements and we can expect retaliation and Intifadas many criticisms of the State of Israel.

As for Brazil, a new crisis looms. I do not know whether financial or spiritual. With regard to God's promises to Abraham and his descendants, we read in Genesis 12:3 "I will bless them that bless thee and curse him who curses you." The biblical text is clear. But the inconsistencies in the interpretation of sacred texts, religious intolerance, bringing thousands of people to oppose the establishment of the State of Israel.

And to think that in the past (1947) was a Brazilian named Oswaldo Aranha, who chaired the UN General Assembly that culminated in the creation of Israel, a fact which earned eternal Spider gratitudes Jews and Zionists for his performance. Today in Jerusalem has a plaque in his honor and gratitude to Israeli put your name on the streets of Tel Aviv and Beersheba.

But Brazil is in this alliance with a man who says in a loud voice: "Let's wipe Israel off the map!" This must be a desperate cry to appear in the Media! Can only be! Or does anyone believe that wipe Israel is some sort of figure of speech? In my opinion this is another "final solution to the Jewish problem!" And here is Brazil is positioning itself next to that person! The error for such overstatement politically incorrect practiced this past week can only be the result of "brilliant minds"! Which leaves one question: What will the future?

The deputy Israeli foreign minister, Daniel Ayalon, said on Tuesday (14/12) that "the Brazilians and Argentines have fallen into a trap of the Palestinians" and that the decision by Brazil and Argentina have caused a "malaise "in Israel .**

If the covenants are made on the basis of national economy, to increase capital and financial negotiations, as stated, we are again the "wrong side of the force," because Israel is considered one of the most advanced in economic and industrial development. It is one of 34 advanced economies in the world. While in Brazil the Amazon forest is decimated in Israel turn deserts into fertile places. Since the establishment of Israel they invest in research and became the pioneer in agricultural biotechnology, drip irrigation, soil solarization, recycling of wastewater. All economic sectors have high rates of development .*

Meanwhile, human rights abuses in Iran is criticized by Iranians themselves. To not talk in this last election (2009) in which opposition members were arrested, coerced into making confessions. There were murders, torture and rape of detained protesters. This is the "model" of government that we want to inspire? I think not.

Another fact that should be reviewed with respect to the "darling" of the governmental system of Iran, Hamas, which currently holds the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit captive and incommunicado. Not even the Red Cross had the right to contact Gilad whether he was alive or not! Today (14/12) the group's leader Ismail Haniyeh said: "We will never recognize the Jewish state!" No Peace that will resist the lack of respect the existence of Israel.

Apocalyptic Prophecies say that the end of time, all peoples and nations have turned against Israel and will unite to try to destroy it in the famous War of Armageddon. But the Bible says, "then shall the Liberator." I can only plead and cry for my people to the Almighty that acts on behalf of Israel, as it did in the past. And ask our leaders to observe best when making agreements and handshakes.

Marion Vaz