During the reign of King Uziá from Judea and King II Yeroboam the other part of Israel (about 2600 years), the Prophet Amos lived. He was descended from the tribe of Asher, and from the city of Tekoa. Amos was a disciple of the Prophet Hosea, His court included the prophet Amos, the father of Isaiah, and Isaiah was itself the successor of Amos.
In his youth he was educated along with the other prophets, he worked as a shepherd tending his flocks in the valley of Asher. But later he was called by God to spread his prophecies, and all, obviously, became a reality.
It was Amos who predicted that there would be a great earthquake in Jerusalem that would spread throughout the country. Two years later, when Uziá entered the Holy Temple Shrine and dared to offer incense before Gd in the place of High Priest Azaria, an earthquake shook the temple and the king did flee in terror. (At that time the king also was stricken with leprosy and had to be isolated).
Amos also prophesied about famine in the country, so that neither the cattle and sheep were grazing. That he also predicted two years in advance.
He constantly admonished the people and warned them not to abandon the laws of the Torah. Amos predicted the Divine Judgement on people around the borders of Eretz Israel, the Syrians in the east, west the Philistines, the Phoenicians to the north and Edom, Ammon and Moab to the south, which by their barbaric practices and by inflicting suffering on Jewish people, all would be damned.
Amos did not hesitate to criticize their own people in the most emphatic terms. He predicted the war, defeat, destruction and great suffering to its people because of their failure to lead a true life of Torah.
However, his last prophecies described the splendid and glorious days of Moshiach. See, the day will certainly come, says Gd.
I will return the captivity of my people Israel.
And they will build the destroyed cities and inhabit them.
And they shall plant vineyards and drink wine there.
Also plant gardens and eat their fruit.
And I will plant in the ground, and they will not be uprooted
From the land that I gave to them.
Thus saith thy God. Amos 9
I invite you to become enchanted with the modern Tekoa
Tekoa is unique and intriguing among the towns of the Gush Etzion Block. It is located on the east side of the Gush block.
It is about 65 percent religious and 35 percent secular but everyone is like a family. Here you will find Israelis, Americans, some from Russia, France, Britain, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, India, Burma, Mexico and who knows what else. To put it in their own words, “We are old and young, farmers, urban professionals, artists, craftspeople, doctors, lawyers and nurses. And we will be more once you join. English, Hebrew, French, Spanish, Russian, Yiddish.”
In Tekoa they love their country life. About 1,250 people live here and it is growing. They have schools, a grocery store, a post office, a winery, a library, a theatre, a mushroom farm, an organic farm and 5 synagogues. Here is also a goat and dairy farm and if you like hiking the hills this is your place.
They call it a paradise for raising a family. Yes here you can take your kids on a pony ride at Tekoa stables. They will love it. Or take riding lessons for Kids and Adults. Some adults come here to retire. In Eastern Gush Etzion there are two ultra Orthodox schools that also serve the towns of Ma’ale Amos, Metzad and Nokdim. In Tekoa you can find an integrated school with secular and religious. Come and see the land G-d has blessed.
From Tekoa they have a great view of Herodian.
“The words of Amos (the prophet) who was among the herdsmen of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uziyah King of Y’hudah….”Amos 1:1
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